Curriculum / Grade Levels


To enroll in Mazhalai, children should have completed 5 years of age by July 31st.

In this level, the songs, stories, phonics, simple sight words, colors, numbers and primary alphabets.(உயிரெழுத்துகள்) – அ, ஆ…..ஒள) are taught.


In this level, kids will learn songs, stories, Aathichudi (collection of single-line quotations written by Avvaiyar) and to write the alphabets உயிரெழுத்துகள்- (அ, ஆ……ஒள). and மெய்யெழுத்துகள் (க்,ங், ச்……..ன்)


In this level, kids will learn songs, stories, Thirukkural (rhyming Tamil couplets) and to write alphabets and small words from உயிர்மெய்யெழுத்துகள்  upto க் + ஏ series.


In this level, children will master all the alphabets, reading, writing, reciting Thirukkural, form small sentences, converse in Tamil. They will also read, comprehend and rewrite passages.


In this level, kids will learn stories, Thirukural, making and writing sentences and Tamil Grammar.


In this level, kids will learn Thirukural, making and writing sentences and Tamil Grammar.